Molly joined DW gym & asked for a personal trainer to help with weight loss.
Molly came for a taster session one afternoon, I actually refused to train her that particular day as she hadn't eaten since the day before!! On Mollys return we discussed her likes & dislikes retraining, we also discussed her eating habits & ultimately what she wanted from personal training sessions and her long-term goals. Molly was a "yoyo" dieter, all of which lasted no longer than generally a couple of weeks - if that. She would often skip meals but then overindulge of an evening to make up the calories for the whole day & some. With her hectic lifestyle she also heavily relied on convenience or fast food. Initially making short-term goals and setting mini targets, in the long run, got my client the results she wanted.
Week 1- 4 target:
Weight & measurements done, eat on a regular basis, keep a food log if possible, train 3-5 times per wk, walk more drink more water. Weight & measurements retaken
Week 5-8 target: Adapt food habits where necessary, allow self a treat, increase the intensity of training suitable to ability, weight & measurements retaken.
Reviews took place every 4wks. The picture above was taken around the 16wk mark.
9lb lost
Inches from all over
Allowed self to eat properly but portion controlled
Increased drinking of water
Walked more rather than drove.
Questions before getting started?